hrp0094p2-289 | Growth and syndromes (to include Turner syndrome) | ESPE2021

Familial Mosaic Turner Syndrome with short stature and spontaneous puberty due to a ring X chromosome with distal Xp22.3 and distal Xq26 deletion

Lim Sharon , Brain Caroline , Lees Melissa , Gevers Evelien ,

Abnormal phenotypes in patients with ring chromosome X can be ascribed to failed or partial X inactivation due to loss of XIST on Xq13. We describe a mother and 1 daughter with the same mosaic karyotype, and another daughter with 45, X. KZ, 12 years old and recently moved from Poland, was investigated for short stature (Ht SDS -2.1), her mother was 142.9 cm, father 176.1cm. Both were healthy and not dysmorphic. Birth weight at 37 weeks was 2.63kg (20th centile Polis...